Working Together for Disaster Relief Conference

How can the private sector better work with the humanitarian sector in pre- post-disaster reconstruction and development to reinforce local ownership and support localisation ? The need for humanitarian organisations to engage more with the private sector and vice versa – including environment professionals, financial services, manufacturers & suppliers – in post-disaster reconstruction and development … Continue reading “Working Together for Disaster Relief Conference”

Introduction to QSAND Webinar

An Overview of QSAND and its use in Projects Webinar This free one-hour webinar will provide you with an overview of QSAND, its concept and why it was developed, its structure including its key sections (PAT and CAT) as well as the benchmarking and scoring method. The will also include section on practical application and … Continue reading “Introduction to QSAND Webinar”

UK Shelter Forum 21

UK Shelter Forum 21 17th November 2017 – BRE, Watford The UKSF has held two yearly meetings since 2006 and new forums were established in Australia and India in 2013. Each meeting is held at a different location around the UK with a different topic relating to current issues in the shelter sector. The theme … Continue reading “UK Shelter Forum 21”

IDDR 2017

International Day for Disaster Reduction Webinar 13th October 2017 – Online The free webinar being run in support of UNISDR’s International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017. This year’s slogan is Home Safe Home. In this 1 hour webinar the QSAND team joined by Catholic Relief Service (CRS), will explore practical examples and strategic tools demonstration … Continue reading “IDDR 2017”

QSAND Webinar Series

QSAND Webinar This free webinar will provide you with an overview of the QSAND tool, its benefits for short and long term sustainability and its application on shelter and settlement reconstruction programmes. The webinar will be held quarterly throughout 2016, see below for dates. Are you interested in sustainable development, construction, and master planning? Is … Continue reading “QSAND Webinar Series”